Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy 2015!!

Organically grown broccoli from my Dad's garden.

Happy New Year! I am sitting on my couch, on a rare day off, contemplating food, exercise, diets, weight loss, weight gain and all of the other things that are normally at the forefront of our minds at the turn of the year.  Yesterday, I gorged myself at an all-day brunch with my family and today I am ready to finally start anew.  I have some weight to shed, some running goals to reach and some food cravings to eliminate, so this January 1 came right on time!

Why is it so hard to start doing the right thing?  It is so easy to stay in bed rather than go to the gym, to eat chips rather than cut up some veggies, to order take-out rather than make a healthy dinner.  Discipline is so hard!! I fully understand Paul when he said "For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.  For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do, this I keep on doing." (Romans 7:18-19).  He (rightfully) says that this is a sin problem!  And this makes so much sense!! Knowing what is best for us, healthiest for us and what is God's will for us to keep us healthy and then doing otherwise sure sounds like sin to me :)

So, today, I am committing myself to moving something, eating better, and consulting the Lord when things seem outside of my control.  There are so many things that I would like to accomplish this year and each goal is going to require focus, discipline and healthy habits!  I am looking forward to documenting my progress in this space and holding myself accountable.

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