Sunday, November 29, 2015

Day 2

Yesterday was great!!! Everything I set out to accomplish, I accomplished. I ran three miles, I prayed and read the Bible, and I ate very healthy!!! Then I rested, something I haven't been doing a lot of. I was pleased with the way the day went. 

Today is church, grocery shopping and working out at the gym. I am looking forward to productivity today. The most important thing is getting started!!!! Lord, help!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Day 1

It is so hard to get motivated any more. I feel like I have so much on my plate, and I have goals in mind and they feel so hard to achieve. But the real problem I have is perfectionism. I am an all or nothing-type. I always feel as if I don't get do everything on the list, then I have failed. Or, I feel overwhelmed, lose motivation and then feel like a failure. I want to start today with three goals: daily devotions, running/workout and healthy eating. These are the areas that I feel the most defeated when I lose focus and motivation. Help, Lord!!  The most important thing is to take the first step. Prayerfully I will report back tomorrow with a positive report!!