Sunday, January 4, 2015

Daniel Fast

My pre-Zumba raisin and almond fuel!

Yesterday I branched out again and tried the Zumba Toning class at the gym.  I have only done Zumba one other time, with my best friend at her gym.  This was a little more intense, using hand weights in coordinated steps with the music.  I was probably the youngest person there...the class was packed with senior citizens.  But can I just say how awesome they were?  These people were using weights and staying in time to the music with no problem.  I was truly in awe.  I mean, they were mostly old enough to be my grandparents, but they were encouraging ME with their level of fitness!! I did enjoy the class, but if I go back, I will use heavier weights.  The instructor suggested I start out with 1 pound weights to get used to the steps.  It was a great workout, though.  I also did an ab circuit afterwards.

After the workout, I did my grocery shopping to prepare for the Daniel Fast that our church's Children's Ministry leaders are doing together.  While at the local grocery store, I took notice of the magazine rack at the check-out, and I wondered why?  Why does anyone care about the lies lives of these people who really have no substantive importance in our own lives?  Why do we invest so much in these publications?  And why are some of these highly inappropriate magazines so readily displayed in a place where my (advanced-reading) six year old can see?  Its disturbing, really.

Sorry for the rant!  Post work-out I enjoyed the rest of the balsamic roasted veggies with rice and avocado.

I also sautéed cabage from my Dad's garden with onion and curry powder, made apple chips that were immediately devoured, had an apple and two slices of pizza.

This morning, in dedication to the fast, I enjoyed some Bible reading in Hebrews

with a side of banana.

Breakfast was savory:
Baked sweet potato, avocado and sautéed cabbage.
You can find more information about the fast at  There is a wealth of information about how the fast is done and the Biblical source for the fast.  I have done it before and am so happy to be involved again.  I know that I want to focus on the word SURRENDER during this fast and during this year!  Reading my Bible today and yesterday I realized that in order to surrender, I have to also focus on faith...having the faith that God is who He says He is and will do what He said He will do!! Its easy to surrender to God when I remind myself of these things!

Right now, my body is in considerable pain from two days of classes and weight circuits. I will find a way to move myself that is comfortable and easy, all while preparing for the new work week!!  

Enjoy your Sunday!

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