Thursday, March 12, 2015

Trip of a Lifetime!

On the flight back home after a visit with my brother in the midwest! It was such a great trip and it strengthened my resolve to get back to running and caring for my health. I did not work out, nor did I restrict my diet. My sole promise was that  I would restart work on fitness as soon as we touch down. 

We had some amazing food! I enjoyed myself too much, but savored every bite that passed through my lips!

I get full just looking at the pictures!

And a bit of springtime was on deck to give those of us on the east coast a bit of hope that winter will indeed come to an end!

I have registered for a race:) I am racing at an autism awareness event next month! I am so excited :) Now I have to start that training process! 

My prayer is that I can regain the consistency and motivation that I had before I hurt my ankle. So, my training plan through this weekend is as follows:

Tonight: smoothie, vitamin and 32 oz of water. Rest.

Thursday: run 1 mile, walk 2 miles. 5 push-ups, 25 cruches, 1 pull up 3x. Smoothie and vitamin, salad, veg dinner.

Friday: run 2 miles, walk 1. Same as above.

Saturday: run 2 miles, walk 1. P90x3.

Sunday: run 3 miles. Stretch. Maybe pool workout?

I'll update my daily progress, as my goal is to PR next month. 5 weeks to get there!! Also, I will do a progressive training plan to eventually run a marathon in the fall :) Pray for me, and if you can, run with me!